AMAZINGthing Paper Write Supreme Pure Matte Film 10th Generation (2022) iPad 10.9 inch is a Film based Screen Protector with Matte Finish which simulates Paper like Texture. The Paper Write Supreme film allows artists to Sketch /
Draw using Apple Pencil with a feel of closest to drawing on Paper. Even writing is a pleasure on the Paper write Supreme Film with NO slippery feel for clear and crisp writing
The Paper Write Supreme Film is a must have for Digital artists who want to Sketch on Paper and see their work converted to Digital art.
Compatible with : Apple iPad 10.9 inch (2022) 10th Gen
- Dual function : Protects Screen and allows Paper like Sketching
- Tailor-made for Digital Artists
- Paper Texture Simulation. Feels closest to writing on Paper.
- Anti Glare coating
- Compatible with Apple Pencil (Apple Pencil NOT included)